Security breaches can happen at any time, as recent cyber threats both here and around the world have shown.
“When we bring AV, IT and Building Systems together for a client, providing optimum network security is a given,” says Andrew Green, Chief Visionary Office at Kodum, a leading technology integration provider.
It’s important, he says, that an organisation’s internal systems can absorb any potential attack without disruption to their business.
Kodum ensures the robust end to end solutions they implement support the latest in security standards such as 802.1x, AES encryption, Active Directory, HTTPS, SSH and JITC Certification.
Logan Bent of Kodum’s Advanced Technical Services team says that many IT departments are moving away from products that don’t feature some if not all of the certifications listed above. “The risk of leaving their organisations open to cyber attack is just too high,” he says.

Kodum’s solutions often feature JITC Certified products to provide peace of mind to organisations that are looking for highly secure platforms to create, capture, distribute and store their valuable data.
JITC is the US Department of Defence’s Joint Interoperability Certifier. “It’s the only non-Service Operational Test Agency for Information Technology/National Security Systems,” Andrew says.
It’s not surprising therefore that JITC Certification is hard to attain.
“JITC provides risk-based Test, Evaluation and Certification services, tools and environments to ensure that the Federal Government, Defence and connectivity to the Private Sector are interoperable and can support highly secure operational needs,” Andrew explains.
Kodum provides a range of products that meet JITC’s stringent security standards.
Their network of manufacturers, including Crestron, Cisco and Exterity, develop solutions that can be trusted across the Government, Education, Enterprise and Commercial sectors.
“If an organisation is considering AV-Over-IP or Converged Media and Control Systems and have concerns around security and how the platforms sit on their network, we can provide the information and support they need to implement a robust, secure platform,” Andrew says.